Saturday, 21 January 2012

Free Art - Birdy Sculpture

Spent the afternoon on Southsea beach. Scribbled on a couple of stones and then found this bunch of wire washed up. In a couple of minutes I'd made this rather sweet little nesting bird. The intention was to leave her for someone to find, but I couldn't. I just couldn't walk away from her. So, she was offered up on Facebook, free to anyone who would take her travelling, on the proviso that photographs are posted up of her in new and exciting places.

When one keeper has done with her, they pass her on to the next with the same proviso, that photos are posted of her travels. Let's see how far this little birdy can fly.

If this one goes well, I'll do a series!  And if anyone else wants one, drop me an e-mail. My addy is on the Home page.

Friday, 20 January 2012


Stone Dead Forever and Stone Dead Forever II - Geologic Shift are packed with comments, quips, quotes, words text, lyrics, poems, jokes, statements or simply observations written on the pebbles of Southsea beach.

Available to buy now, from"Stone Dead Forever" and "Geologic Shift". Follow the links for previews and purchases.

In 2008 I started writing and drawing on pebbles on the beach near where I live. In the spirit of the Free Art movement, I photographed the stones and left them there for people to find and enjoy. The first book, 'Stone Dead Forever' came out in 2010 and featured over 60 photographs of inscribed stones. 'Geologic Shift' made in 2011 collects together another 40 of the most popular photographs for you to enjoy.

The project is still going strong having now scribbled on over 400 stones. The text is derived from experiences, ideas, lyrics, poetry, comments, quips, quotes and conversations. A few have been written by request, but I would rather encourage you to grab a permanent marker and go out and scribble, write or draw on your own pebble. 

In 2010, the project was featured in an interview on the GPS website by the South Bank Centre, London. You can read all about it online, here.

There is also a photo group on Flickr, dedicated to drawing and writing on pebbles on the beach ->> where you can see the full set and upload pictures of your own poetical pebbles.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Southsea Free Art Movement

Getting busy at the Southsea Farmer's Market 2012
The REAL Free Art Movement

10 Free Art Landscape drops this morning. Spoke to the Market Manager who was keen to see more of this sort of thing. Even admitted that she recognises some of the names and even collects the odd piece here and there herself. What a nice lady!