Saturday, 7 November 2015

Burning Down The House

Back in January 2015, I was asked to contribute a piece of work and deliver a lecture for the 'Menagerie' exhibition at the University of Portsmouth. I thought I would put in a pair of bird sculptures. Making a pair allowed greater scope for a sense of movement and narrative.

I've been making and developing them for a few years now. They are all made from used disposable barbecue grills collected from Southsea common, near my home, over the summer months. Originally I set myself a couple of (entirely arbitrary) rules for making them, very much in the spirit of traditional Japanese origami. They are persuaded into shape almost purely by bending and folding. No cutting, (as far as possible), and no adding material, (except legs - which are made from old bicycle spokes, and wings when necessary). 

These birds have been wonderfully successful for me. The biggest installation of them went to Sant Yago restaurant in Southsea, where they have a flock of 16 raiding the place!

I made another set of four for Upfest in July, more of which later... ;)

I've also developed a smaller, more affordable little pigeon for hanging somewhere (indoors or out) to tease the cat!

If you're interested and want to commission/buy, or know availability check out my Big Cartel site.